Haidar Eid was raised in Gaza City after his parents were violently expelled from their home village of Zarnouqa in 1948. In 2019 A conversation emerges between Haidar and Neta Golan, an Israeli anti-Zionist comrade, as she shares with him footage from his hometown which he is denied access to. In 2023, Haidar, his wife, and their daughters become the second and third generation to be forced from their home as Israel continues its genocidal war in Palestine.
Returning to Zarnouqa depicts a vision that remains as relevant as ever:
The time for Return is now.
Join us in sharing Returning to Zarnouqa wherever you have connections, influence or interest.
Draft Messaging:
A newly released short documentary, Returning to Zarnouqa, is a Palestinian story of generational displacement, genocide and the inevitability of Return. This story is as relevant as ever, as we continue to fight for an end to this genocide and a call for the Right of Return for all displaced Palestinians. Watch the film here: ReturningToZarnouqa.com
If you use hashtags, here are some we recommend: #RightOfReturn #CeasefireNOW #Nakba #OngoingNakba #Gaza #GazaGenocide #BDS #PalestinianLiberation #JewsAgainstZionism
Download images that can be used for social media posts, emails, communication apps or fliers.
The horizontal images are best for email or fliers, the square images are best for social media posts, and the tall images for stories.

Returning to Zarnouqa is intended to be used as a resource. The Organizer’s Toolkit has information, messaging and images to support your ability to share this film, screen it, and create spaces for dialogue around the ongoing genocide and generational displacement facing Palestinians. It also includes links to learn more about Haidar Eid and Neta Golan, and their continued work for a secular society based on equality, human rights, and the Right of Return.
This project was driven by the relationship and work of Haidar Eid and Neta Golan
Executive Producer and Editor: Zelda Edmunds
Director of Photography: Haim Schwarczenberg
Camera Operator (Gaza): Khalil Abu Yahia — May he rest in Power
Graphic Artist: Amy Suha Kuttab
Graphic Animators: Anwar Suhaimi and Nathaniel Edmunds
This Film is dedicated to Khalil Abu Yahia.
Khalil, who was behind the camera filming Haidar for this project, was killed by an Israeli airstrike while taking refuge on October 30, 2023.
His wife, two infant daughters and in-laws were also murdered in the strike.