Ancestors of Palestinian Liberation is a project aiming to uplift, learn from and celebrate the lives and work of some of the Ancestors that have shaped the diverse and resilient fabric of Palestinian culture — past, present, and forthcoming. In light of western attempts at historical erasure, this project serves as a tool to bring Palestinian names, faces, and histories into everyday spaces. Let us learn from the stories and voices of these Ancestors to further deepen our understanding of Palestinian contributions to our world today.
In the face of immense, long-term adversity and ongoing colonization,
Palestinian courage, brilliance, and creation persist:
Fadwa Tuqan The Poet of Love and Pain
Ghassan Kanafani The Fearless Writer of Resistance and Truth
Naji Al Ali The Timeless Palestinian Conscience
Mahmoud Darwish The Poet of Palestinian Identity
Rim Banna The Voice of Palestine
Edward W. Said The Voice of Palestinian Self-Narration
Razan Al Najjar The Angel of Mercy
Ancestors of Palestinian Liberation is a collaboration of Anemoia Projects and Palestine Advocacy Project, an all volunteer advocacy organization dedicated to educating the public about human rights issues impacting Palestine

View each of the Ancestor’s portraits, read their biographies, and follow links to learn more.
Download the Portraits and Biographies or any of the educational resources.
Check out the Key Terms Index, the PowerPoint version of the project, and other useful materials.

Ancestors of Palestinian Liberation team:
Vision, design & creation: Zelda Edmunds, Anemoia Projects
Funding & collaboration: Palestine Advocacy Project
Contributor: Sarah Gold
Translator: Abdelrahman