Imprisoning a Generation is a feature-length documentary film following the stories of four young Palestinians who have been detained and imprisoned under the Israeli military and political systems. Their perspectives, along with the voices of their families, form a lens into the entangled structures of oppression that expand well beyond the prison walls.
In addition to addressing the ways in which Palestinian children are targeted through detainment and imprisonment, the film goes on to address:
The Nakba and ongoing displacement of Palestinians through Motaz’s story
Israeli settler and soldier violence through Marwan’s story
The Apartheid wall, checkpoints and barriers through Nooran’s story
And the Israeli system of Identification Cards through Shadi’s story
Article: The Palestine Chronicle covers the screening of Imprisoning a Generation in New Zealand’s Parliament.
Podcast: The Bitter Truth interviewed Zelda Edmunds for a conversation on the film and realities of the occupation.
Article: The Tufts Daily interviewed director Zelda Edmunds at the Boston Palestine Film Festival
Announcement: Al Ard Film Festival Awards: Zelda Edmunds awarded Emerging Director
Article & Video: Creightonian article on an intersectional panel which took place after an Omaha screening. The panel discussion can be viewed in full here.
Television: La Crosse news interviews JVP member Bob Goonin on Imprisoning a Generation
Radio: 90.9 KRCL RadioActive show in Salt Lake City interviews director and producer Zelda Edmunds (starting at 7:40)
Imprisoning a Generation was unexpectedly directed and produced by Zelda Edmunds. Zelda had lived in the West Bank from 2009-2011. When she returned in 2016 she found herself in Hebron doing direct action work. Stories of children who had been targeted were incredibly prevalent. She started filming and didn’t stop until she returned to the US with a hard-drive full of interviews and footage.
She spent two years on post-production, collaborating with associate producers Jesus Contreras and Nathaniel Edmunds. As well as graphic artists, Art Quiñones, Erin Whitson, narrator Hala Gores, and translator Sawsan Jamal.
Imprisoning a Generation premiered at the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights annual conference in 2018, and has since screened around the world by community organizations and film festivals over 150 times.
Each year the Israeli military detains and prosecutes around 700 Palestinian children under the Israeli military detention system. Many communities around the world are engaging in advocacy around this topic. Visit The No Way To Treat a Child Campaign to learn more.
Nooran at Home
Shadi at court, greeting his mother
Tel Rumeida Neighborhood checkpoint, Hebron