The PDFs can be printed from any printer, including at home. If you want to print them for public viewing, we encourage you to consider getting them printed professionally.
If you live in the US, consider ordering prints through Red Sun Press. Their shop already has the PDFs on file, and they have options for art production quality printing as well as more economical (but still professional quality) printing. Contact them by phone or their online contact form to hear the options.
If you are printing internationally, consider supporting a local shop that is familiar with printing for art-quality production.
The dimensions of the Portraits are 8.5X11 (inches) per page, which is a regular US printer size paper. It is exported at 300 DPI, and can print crisp and clean at a larger scale.
The dimensions of the Portraits with Biographies are 16X20 (inches) per page. It is exported at 300 DPI, and can print crisp and clean at a larger scale. If you want to print the Portraits with Biographies on regular printer paper, the size of the biography text is large enough to be legible when printed horizontally (landscape).